
2024-01-18: Godot TileSet Patterns Suck This blurb about Godot’s TileSet Patterns is purely so search engines pick it up, and …

2022-07-29: DecayReloader Harmony Mod Here I go again fixing Rust bugs 😛 I’m sitting down and deciding I need to tweak the decay …

2022-07-18: SplashStats, Harmony and RCON based stats I guess I’m on a kick of releasing some code as open source. I decided to release the method …

2022-07-16: rustcon, the RCON middleware Today I’m open sourcing one of my Rust server backend applications. It’s a middleware …

2022-06-23: Harmony and Rust, part 2 Preface Warning: This is going to be a long one. It’s a complicated topic that I’m only …

2022-06-08: Unfuck Oxide's Assembly Loader Unfuck Oxide’s Assembly Loader I’ve decided to open source one of my Harmony mods I use …

2022-06-07: Harmony and Rust, part 1 Harmony Primer Feel free to skip this part if you’re a developer that knows what Harmony is. …

2022-06-05: When Rust Servers Stop Saving Who runs out of disk space these days Late last night, one of my Rust servers ran out of disk space. …

2022-06-05: First post.