Here I go again fixing Rust bugs 😛
I’m sitting down and deciding I need to tweak the decay values for my 1000X battlefield server. Players get 1000X the stuff, so they build these massive castles and compounds that last the entire wipe, even when not in use and result in a massive amount of …
SplashStats, Harmony and RCON based stats
I guess I’m on a kick of releasing some code as open source. I decided to release the method in which I use to track PVP statistics for the Splash Rust servers. It’s a Harmony mod so it lets me do stats even for pure vanilla servers. This harmony mod does not include any ability to view …
Harmony and Rust, part 2
Preface Warning: This is going to be a long one. It’s a complicated topic that I’m only planning on scratching the surface of. Just enough to get you started.
If you haven’t already, check out part 1 of my Harmony and Rust “tutorial.” It covers the basics of Harmony …
Unfuck Oxide's Assembly Loader
Unfuck Oxide’s Assembly Loader I’ve decided to open source one of my Harmony mods I use to unfuck the oxide assembly loader. By default, the Oxide assembly loader that pulls in references encountered with the // Reference: tag will only pull them in from the Managed folder. This makes it …
Harmony and Rust, part 1
Harmony Primer Feel free to skip this part if you’re a developer that knows what Harmony is. I’m going to try to keep this short, but this topic could fill a small book. This quasi-tutorial on utilizing Harmony with Rust will make assumptions that you have a firm grasp of general …
When Rust Servers Stop Saving
Who runs out of disk space these days Late last night, one of my Rust servers ran out of disk space. Putting aside that this should have never happened to begin with, and that I’m bad at monitoring my infrastructure, I woke up with over 12 hours of player data not being saved to disk. Rust …